Peninsula sessions 

Your jam session info hub

Winters Tavern, Pacifica

When: Tues session 6:30pm

Where: Winters Tavern, 1522 Francisco Blvd, Pacifica  650.355.6162

Host: Captain Bob

Wedged in between bands with names like "Fern Spores" and "Pound Puppies" is a newly-reconstituted Tuesday evening session. Host is promoting on the venue site with "full backline." What this means is unclear; a current review clarifying what exactly is provided would be greatly appreciated. (drums, amps, etc.). Signups at 6:30pm. Punk and indie-friendly venue so we assume that anything goes. Please tell us what you played there! (and whether it's a true jam session vs an open mic situation) [updated Sep 2024 by SJ]

The Longboard Bar, Pacifica

When: Pro Blues Jam 2nd and 4th Thursdays, 7pm-11pm

Where: The Longboard Bar, 180 Eureka Square, Pacifica (650) 738-5905

Host: Carmen Ratti + rotating guest bands

The players are regulars and frequent the other sessions on Peninsula. Dennis Dove and Aki Kumar have made appearances. Host FB page says "Volume controlled!!" Send a review, and tell us how loud it got. Link to current session on FB here.
Sometimes not many jammers show, and the jukebox gets turned on by 10pm. [updated by SJ Feb 2025]

Club Fox, Redwood City

When: Most Wednesday nights 7-11pm (check calendar to confirm)

Where: Fox Theater, 2223 Broadway St., RC  650.369.7770

Host: rotating and varies

Pro-level blues jam with high level of musicianship, and rotating excellent featured bands so you're not hearing the same house band every time. Guitarists galore, not too many horns. (Horn players will not get to play all night though.) Not for the faint of heart but go with a friend or a regular and you'll be fine. Check calendar before heading out; jams are sometimes preempted by touring artists or other events.  There is door cover for this session. Please send updates on current cover charge. [updated Sep 2024 by SJ]

St. James Gate, Belmont

When: Thursday nights rock jam

Where: St. James Gate, Belmont  650.592.5923

Host: Peter Booras, Greg Jones

Long running open jam that has shifted locations and currently at The Gate. Carmen, Vince, Terry H and other blues mainstays often appear and occasionally sub host. Alt-country, country-rock, roots and Americana are also frequently on the menu. Link to current session on FB is here. Send a review! [Updated Sep 2024 by SJ]

Pioneer Inn, Woodside

When: Sunday afternoon pro session 4-7pm

Where: Pioneer Inn and Saloon, 2925 Woodside Rd, Woodside (650) 851-8487

Jams have ceased here for the time being; venue has cut back on Sunday hours. [Updated Sep 2024 by SJ]

Community School of Music & Arts, Mountain View

When: Jazz session (generally) last Sunday of the month, 1-5:30pm
Where: CSMA, 230 San Antonio Circle, Mountain View
Host: Marty Honda   650.823.8013

The music school in Mountain View .
This session needs reconfirmation.

Bobby D's, Redwood City

When: Sundays blues jam 4-8pm (varies pending sports schedules)

Where: Bobby D's 700 Winslow, Redwood City   650.366.1043

Bar closed for a while then reopened. Dead website and no jam info. [Updated Sep 2024 by SJ]

Old Princeton Landing (OPL), Princeton-by-the-Sea

No more open jams here as of 2011.

Savanna Jazz, San Carlos

Venue has closed.

7 Mile House, Brisbane

7 Mile stopped live music during COVID and never brought it back.

Givin' it back, and keepin' it real. Since 2000.

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